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Size and Space for Approach and Use


The Basics

Provides appropriate size and space for approach, reach, manipulation, and use regardless of users body size, posture, or mobility.



  1. Provide a clear line of sight to important elements for all users.

  2. Make reach to all components comfortable for any seated or standing user.

  3. Accommodate variation in hand and grip size.

  4. Provide adequate space for use of assistive devices or personal assistance.


In Depth

This poster illustrates a moment were the design of Size & Space for Approach/Use is a factor for a user. In the image there is an older adult that is trying to get into a cabinet but is experiencing difficult due to the height of the of the knobs on the cabinet doors.



  • Many amenities found in a kitchen, such as the stove and sink, will not be as accommodating to people that use mobility devices because of they are too high off the ground to be able to reach while sitting.

  • Handicap parking spaces are wider and are positioned closer to the entryways of buildings to make them accessable for people using mobility devices.

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